Real-time tracking, Fuel consumption calculation & History and reports. Perfectly works on various platforms, including mobile and desktop.
iVehicleTrak Standard Solution Features
Our software is developed using latest in cooperation with experienced web designers, latest programing language and following highest data security standards. By frequent and accurate data collection the application allows user to monitor his day-to-day fleet repair activity. Users are also able to generate daily, weekly or monthly reports of selectively preferred information such as trips, mileage, driver work time compare.
Solution Elements
- Live Fleet status
- Repair history of each vehicle
- Create a repair file
- Maintenance repair & schedule
- Total fleet repair cost
- Spare part warranty log
- Multiple access and remarks
- Fleet depreciation track
- System settings
- Company account management
- Sub user account set up.
- Vehicle profile management
- Vehicle cost track
- Restriction set up and management
- Group set up and management
- Software application allows multiple access
- Operational fleet management consultancy (if needed)
- Lower fleet repair and maintenance cost
- Warranty spare part monitoring
- Lower labor cost
- Intelligent and centralized document management
- Invoice, bills supporting documents security
- Organized maintenance & repair
- Vehicle lifetime increase.
- Lower communication cost
- API connection for data transfer
- Effective workshop – office communication
- Effective vehicle depreciation and cost track
Get overall view on the fleet performance in the easiest way. By viewing dashboard graphs you can easily determine the weak points of daily operations, quickly improve fleet performance and reduce operational expenses.

You will get live location of each vehicle along with online notifications and alerts. Live tracking allows easily to find trip start and stop time and location of each driver, distance traveled, get speeding and harsh driving alerts.

You can draw a zone and setup an alert when driver enters or leaves zone. By creating multiple zones, you can control status of your deliveries, monitor if your sales team is visiting your customers, count trips from loading point to offloading.

Get up to 1 year history reports. There are plenty of amazing reports including idle report, fuel consumption, fuel level, cargo temperature, daily reports, weekly and monthly summary reports and other that definitely will meet your expectations.

Manage your fleet easily, smartly and cost-effectively with our GPS vehicle and fleet management solution.

Our fleet management solution with basic features and benefits, common among small and medium companies with limited fleet management requirements as wells as private individuals seeking to track their own family cars.
The module consists of basic package of functions such as fleet live tracking, instant alerts of speeding, idling, zone or shift violations sent to client via SMS or email. Reports can also be found on your software account, saved and reported to other departments. You will see whole of your fleets in one screen.
Helping you to find a right information Our Fleet Management Solution also has an intelligent and user-friendly dashboard module.

Our System will help you save up to 25% of fuel in the first year.

- Our system is a cost-effective fuel management solution. This solution helps you save up to 25% of fuel consumption.
- Visual reports and fuel consumption formulas help you to control and monitor your fleet fuel consumption and manage resources effectively.
Fuel consumption drop with our system

- Digital, analog and ultrasonic fuel level sensors
- Differential & autonomous fuel flow meters
- Flow meters with pulse interface
- Fuel consumption indicators and summators

Manage fleet maintenance easily and cost-effectively with our maintenance management solution.
Repair notifications
Get automated alerts before repair period ends and avoid a breakdown. Our solution will evaluate each fleet brand specific, last repair date and mileage.

- Our system is a cost-effective fuel management solution. This solution helps you save up to 25% of fuel consumption.
- Visual reports and fuel consumption formulas help you to control and monitor your fleet fuel consumption and manage resources effectively.
Fuel consumption drop with our system

- Digital, analog and ultrasonic fuel level sensors
- Differential & autonomous fuel flow meters
- Flow meters with pulse interface
- Fuel consumption indicators and summators

Fleet maintenance effectiveness scores
Get scores to make a business decision on sell or repair, our solution will evaluate fleet life cycle, repair history, durability and will help you to make effective business decisions.

Repair history reports
See repairs history in one place. Our solutions allow being sure that repairs warranty works and you do not overspend after unexpected breakdown.

Maintenance costs timeline
See cost of each fleet maintenance in one place and be sure you are on a monthly budget. Track cost of maintenance to invoice, parts details, vendors, warranty level.

Tracking Solution for International Oil and Gas Companies
Designed and developed very unique tracking system to monitor and track vessels and assets anywhere in the world. Solution works with very specific satellite tracking device which do not require GSM coverage and can operate in any places where GSM is not available, such as deserts, offshores, seas, oceans and mountains. GPS device can operate on internal battery for up to 5 years.
Solution was developed according to requirements of international oil companies that operates in UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Tracking devices were installed on drilling equipment, pumps, artificial lifts, pipe handling equipment, tanks and vessels.

Solution provides possibility not only to track location history or geo-fencing, but also to identify what equipment is loaded on tankers or vessels, to what project or company equipment were rented for, what was the usage of equipment, traveled distance, equipment items on the vessel board.
OUR Vessels and Assets tracking system can be used to track any on land or water moving or non-moving objects, such as containers, generators, cranes, forklifts, agriculture machinery, yachts, boats etc. Assets monitoring helps business to manage and control equipment, prevent improper usage, prolong lifetime, inventorize equipment, identify location and traveling history and estimate delivery timing.

Additionally, we can provide professional container tracker that can be integrated with multiple sensors to provide reliable and accurate information about temperature, humidity and light conditions surrounding the contents of the container. Tracker has built-in accelerometer that can inform about changes in movement or attempting to break-in.
To prevent such break-ins,we proud to present unique and revolutionary container security solution – container padlock and an electronic alarm system “WatchLock”. It tracks location and sends an alert if there has been a deviation from a pre-set route in time schedule, so is ideal for companies looking to protect their goods in transit or can be used for insurance purposes.
For more information about container trackers please contact us.